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Skin18 skincare

Skin18 believes in skincare instead of makeup. It feeds natural
ingredients for skin while makeup is just a coverage. It feels it's
better to have a flawless skin than to coat your skin with makeup which
will hide the flaws. I am someone who is very conscious about having a
clear skin and i keep struggling for one. Skin18 recently collaborated
with me where in they sent me some sheet masks which are magical. Trust
me, they do wonders to the skin. It took me a month to try all of them
because i believe in true reviews to my readers. I used each face mask
once a week and i could possibly see the difference my skin had. My
skin18 face packs included:
1) Fresh fruit cucumber real nature mask pack for hydrated skin
2) Fresh fruit blue berry real nature mask pack for hydrated skin
3) Anti ageing horse oil mask pack
4) Luke mugwort nose strip
The first two face masks leave a similar effect on the skin. Because
they are made of natural fresh fruits, the skin feels really bouncy and
fresh. It gives you glow and helps in hydrating your skin. My skin's
health felt new after i washed the pack and it seemed like a new life
has been granted. Cucumber keeps roughness and dryness away from your
skin. These two fresh fruit masks make your skin soft and keeps your
skin white and pure all the time.
The anti ageing horse oil masks is something i never came across. The
mask has the horse face printed on it and its super dope. It has
essential oils which literally improved the texture of my skin so much.
It gives your skin a better quality, moisturises it and strengthens
The Luke wort nose strip is the best. It has amazing results to your
black heads and gives you super clear skin in just 5-10 mins. Remove the
dark pores and cleanses your nose like never before. I'm amazed to see
how skin18 did wonders on skin and I've ordered from them again. These
face masks are not ordinary. It's essential to give your skin the right
products and skin18 is the answer!
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